Privacy Policy


This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) applies to all visitors and users of the and related ecommerce websites (collectively, the “Website” or “Websites”) and the use of the MDSA Chat application, which is offered by Adventure Hub (PTY) LTD and/or any of its affiliates (“Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™” or “we” or “us”). Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By accessing or using any part of the Websites or the MDSA Chat application, you acknowledge you have been informed of and consent to our practices with regard to your personal information and data.

Data Protection

Oversight of Data Security is handled by Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™’s respective Data Protection Officers. Should you wish to make modifications, deletions, or additions to any personal data you believe to be captured by Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™, or if you have any general security concerns, please contact us at [email protected]. For more information on our security practices, please visit this link.

What Information Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ Collects and Why

Information from Website Visitors

Like most website operators, Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ collects basic non-personally-identifying information from Website visitors of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. We collect this information to better understand how visitors use the Website, to improve our Websites and experience for visitors, and to monitor the security of the Websites. From time to time, Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ may publicly release non-personally-identifying information collected from Website visitors in the aggregate, e.g., by publishing a report on trends in the usage of the Website.

Information from MDSA Chat Application

Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ uses the MDSA Chat application, powered by Chatwoot, to facilitate communication with customers through various social platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. We do not track usage of the application for performance metrics; instead, we focus on enabling efficient communication with our customers. The information collected and stored within the MDSA Chat application includes:

  • Personal Information: Such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, and social media profiles provided by the customer during interactions.
  • Communication Data: Messages, attachments, and any other information exchanged during the communication process.
  • Technical Data: Basic technical data such as IP addresses and browser types, collected to ensure the security and proper functioning of the application.

Purpose of Collecting Information

The primary purposes for which we collect and use personal information include:

  • Facilitating effective communication between our sales team and customers.
  • Responding to customer inquiries and providing customer support.
  • Processing orders and transactions related to our products.
  • Enhancing and personalizing customer experiences.
  • Ensuring the security and integrity of our communication systems.

How Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ Uses and Protects Personally-Identifying Information

Sharing Your Information

Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ only discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information to those of its employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations that (i) need to know that information in order to process it on Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™’s behalf or to provide services available on the Website, and (ii) that have agreed not to disclose it to others.

Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ will not rent or sell potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information to anyone. Other than to its employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations, as described above, Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only when required to do so by law, or when Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ believes in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the property or rights of Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™, third parties, or the public at large.

Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ takes measures reasonably necessary to protect against the unauthorized access, use, alteration, or destruction of potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information.

International Transfer of Information

The MDSA Chat application and associated data are hosted on servers located in South Africa and Germany. Our employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations that process information for us as described above may be located in the South Africa, Germany, or in other countries outside of your home country; by using the Website and the MDSA Chat application, you consent to the international transfer of your information by Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™.

Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ Communications with You

If you are a registered user of the Websites and have supplied your email address, Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ may occasionally send you an email to tell you about security, system information, new features, solicit your feedback, or just keep you up to date with what’s going on with Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ and our products. We primarily use our blog to communicate this type of information, so we expect to keep this type of email to a minimum. There’s an unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each of the marketing emails we send you so you can stop receiving such emails at any time.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies


A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ uses cookies to identify and track visitors, their usage of the Websites, and their Website access preferences. Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers may set their browsers to refuse cookies before using the Websites. Disabling browser cookies may cause certain features of Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™’s websites to not function properly.

Tracking Technologies

We may use third-party tracking services, but we don’t use these services to track you individually or collect your personally identifiable information. We may use these services to collect information about how the Website performs and how users navigate through and use the Website so we can monitor and improve our content and Website performance.

Do Not Track

“Do Not Track” is a privacy preference you can set in your browser if you do not want online services to collect and share certain kinds of information about your online activity from third-party tracking services. Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ does not track your online browsing activity on other online services over time and we do not permit third-party services to track your activity on our site beyond our basic tracking, which you may opt out of.

Global Privacy Practices

Information we collect will be stored and processed in the United States in accordance with this Privacy Policy, but we understand that users from other countries may have different expectations and rights with regard to their privacy. For all Website visitors and users, no matter their country of location, we will:

  • Provide clear methods of unambiguous, informed consent when we do collect your personal information.
  • Only collect the minimum amount of personal data necessary for the purpose it is collected for, unless you choose to provide us more.
  • Offer you simple methods of accessing, correcting, or deleting your information that we have collected.
  • Provide Website users notice, choice, accountability, security, and access, and we limit the purpose for processing. We also provide our users a method of recourse and enforcement.

Data Retention and Deletion

If you already have an account on the Websites, you may access, update, alter, or delete your basic user profile information by logging into your account and updating profile settings.

Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to perform our contractual obligations, provide you services through the Website, to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, preserve legal rights, or enforce our agreements.

Contacting Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ About Your Privacy

If you have questions or concerns about the way we are handling your information, or would like to exercise your privacy rights, please email us with the subject line “Privacy Concern” at [email protected]. We will respond within 30 days of receiving your message at the latest, but for the promptest response, we recommend emailing us.

Privacy Policy Changes

Although most changes are likely to be minor, Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ may change its privacy policy from time to time, and in Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™’s sole discretion. We may also provide notification to users who have provided us email addresses of material changes to this Privacy Policy through our Website. Metal Detectors South Africa | MDSA™ encourages visitors to frequently check this page for any minor changes to its Privacy Policy. Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.

Last Edited: 22 July 2024