XP DEUS II Package with 22cm FMF Coil - Remote Control - WS6 Wireless Audio Headphones

XP DEUS 2 Metal Detector – 28cm FMF Coil | RC | WS6 Wireless Headphones

XP DEUS 2 is the first wireless, waterproof, simultaneous Fast Multi-Frequency metal detector with search frequencies as low as 4 kHz and as high as 45 kHz. It has no equal!

The XP DEUS 2 Metal Detector is a versatile, all-terrain detector. Hunt for Anglo-Boer War relics inland, scan the beach for gold rings and treasure, hit the parks to detect coins, or take it diving down to 20m. eXPlore like never before.


    • XP DEUS 2 FMF Remote Control
    • XP FMF 11″/28cm Search Coil | 4-45 kHz
    • XP S-Telescopic Stem
    • XP WS6 Wireless Headphones (Backphones)
    • XP Wave Kit (All you need for taking the DEUS 2 underwater/diving)
    • FREE Delivery
    • Package SKU: DEUS2-28FMFRCWS6